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predic8 launches Public Web Services Registry Web Site

predic8, a provider of open source SOA tools and professional services announces the launch of service-repository.com, an online registry for Web Services. After an initial test phase the Website is now available for the public. The site is not the first directory of free Web Services, but it has some new features that distinguish it from pure lists.
Thomas Bayer, the founder of predic8 said: "It is very complicated to explain the complex structure of WSDL documents and XML Schema definitions. We needed something to present this information in human readable form for training and consulting. A colleague had the idea to combine our SOA library with the Grails Web framework. After a few days he had created a very impressive tool, that can be useful for programmers and SOA experts. So we decided to launch this Web Site."
Since the initial prototype a lot of features have been added. Some of them are:

Have a look at the registry yourself at: http://www.service-repository.com

About predic8

Predic8 is an open source company providing lightweight but flexible tools for Web Services and SOA monitoring that are easy to deploy and maintain. The company provides professional implementation and support services for the Membrane family of Web Service tools.
Predic8 is located at the city of Bonn in Germany.
To learn more visit www.predic8.com

Have questions? Contact us: info@predic8.com