Training: SOA Governance
A Service Orientated Archticeture isn't a pure aggregation of Webservices. In order that you can speak about a SOA, the deployment, the working process and the maintenance have to manage from services. SOA Governance covers the whole lifetime cycle of the services and allocates the instruments to manage a SOA. This training course acts upon the introduction and the permanent fulfillment of SOA Governance. The course focuses on the Standards not on the SOA products.
Course Content
- What is Governance?
- Why SOA Governance is necessary?
- New challenges in IT management due to SOA
- Top-Down or Self-organisation
- Services as Assetts
- SOA Metadata: WSDL, Policies
Service Registries and Repositories
- The UDDI Standard
- Non-UDDI Repositories
- Organization of a Repository
- Classifications
- Relationships
Guidelines for Service Design
- Identification of services
- A matter of size: Coarse-grained services
- Naming conventions
- Guidelines for service design
- XML Schema design in a Nutshell
- Versioning
- Controlling via Policies
- The WS-Policy Standard
- Policies for Security, Transactions
- Policy Managment: Generation, distribution and controlling of policies
Service Lifecycle Management
- Developing, testing, installation, production and maintaince of services
- Change Management
Business Processes
- Realization of Business Processes using BPEL
- Use cases for BPEL
- Success factors for the usage of BPEL
- Governance of Processes
Service Level Agreements for Web Services
- What is a SLA?
- How does a SLA for Web Services look like?
- Important metrics for Web Services
- Automatic evaluation and inspection of SLAs
Web Services Monitoring
- ping Operations
- Integration with Network Management
- Management of Relationships
SOA Architects, Project Management, IT- and senior management
IT and SOA fundamentals.
- You learn, how you can save the Return of Investment of your SOA investments
- You learn, how you develop a SOA Strategy
Thomas Bayer
2 Tage
Handouts of all slides presented in the course.
Onsite Needs
- Training Classroom
- VGA Projektor
- Flipchart or Whiteboard